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How ZTF Type Ia supernova sample can advance cosmology
Type Ia Supernova cosmology: The ZTF survey in the context of cosmological tensions
UoS Maths - STAG Event - Suhail Dhawan H0 with Type Ia supernovae A view from ZTF
New Advances with Type Ia Supernovae To Measure The Expansion of the Universe Dan Scolnic
Modeling Sub-Chandrasekhar White Dwarf Explosions as Type Ia Supernovae, Abigail Polin, Carnegie Obs
Probing the Explosions of Type Ia Supernovae Using Late-time Observations - Kate Maguire
Tomás Müller - Extending the utility of Type Ia Supernovae as Cosmological Probes
[APCTP LECTURE] New Advances with Type Ia Supernovae To Measure (...)|Prof. Daniel M. Scolnic
Rebecca Chen - Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Type Ia Supernovae in redMaGiC Galaxies
Sackler Conference 2016 -- Robert Kirshner: Overview of Type Ia Supernovae
Using Galactic Archaeology to Probe the Physics of Type Ia Supernovae
2022 Rydell Professorship - "Type Ia Supernovae and the Accelerating Universe"